There are several initiatives that try to channel the prevailing uncertainty and discontent to build a global and transversal movement, capable of overcoming neoliberal, patriarchal, racist, warmongering and predatory capitalism.
Unfortunately, today we are facing even more dramatic scenarios than before, and a large part of the social movements that are still active around the world are fragmented on a global scale.
Finding opportunities to rearticulate our resistance and alternatives is the greatest and most important challenge.
The World Social Forum, which this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary, is a process space in which to contribute to facing this challenge. For this reason, we find ourselves in a new WSF 2022 that seeks to culminate in a planetary event in Mexico City, which makes it possible to broaden the voice and the articulations of the different movements that work in the construction of alternatives to the world in which we live, and advance in the construction of a global social subject.
A new planetary edition of the World Social Forum in Mexico City will only fulfill its role with the necessary political relevance if we take into account the current reality and manage to strengthen our articulations to advance our dreams and utopias, and build common transformative agendas.
It is the meaning of the Objectives that have been formulated for the facilitation of this 2022 edition
It is for this reason that, Mexican organizations and social movements that have decided to constitute ourselves in the Facilitating Committee of the WSF, those that are part of the International Council of the WSF, and others that came together in a space of global movements, WE INVITE YOU.
WE INVITE YOU to organize from now on articulation activities for dialogues, and announce from now on articulation initiatives for actions for another possible world, (see JOIN button below) towards, and during a hybrid event WSF 2022, whose face-to-face part will be between 1 and May 6 in Mexico, and whose online part will be on, or close to, these dates to .
WE INVITE YOU to collaborate in the preparation and facilitation of the event in commissions and working groups (see COMMISSIONS button below)
Never before has the need for greater cooperation and convergence been more evident than it is today. We are going to strengthen the union of ideas and actions to change the world. The serious reality we face demands that commitment from everyone. We count on your participation.