Bulletin#1 FSM 2022


S1/ Événement hybride, en face à face et en ligne, Forum social mondial Mexique 1-6 mai 2022

Le Forum social mondial, initié en 2001, est un espace-processus ouvert de rencontres et d’articulations d’entités de la société civile qui s’opposent au néolibéralisme et à la domination du monde par le capital ou toute forme d’impérialisme et, sont engagés dans la construction d’une société planétaire orienté vers une relation fructueuse entre les êtres humains et de ceux-ci avec la Terre.


Jamais auparavant le besoin de coopérations et d’articulations plus importantes n’a été aussi évident qu’aujourd’hui. Nous allons renforcer l’union des idées et des actions pour changer le monde. La grave réalité à laquelle nous sommes confrontés exige cet engagement de tous.


Le quinzième événement du processus du FSM, le FSM 2022, aura lieu dans le centre historique de la ville de Mexico (CDMX)


Nous vous invitons.


Invitation/appel mexicain sur le site www.wsf2022.org

Photo: plenary of online assemblies of the social forum of resistances in Brazil January 2022


S2/ Articulations for another possible world


The WSF is a space where organizations self-articulate to dialogue together, with the form of participation “activity”, join.wsforum.activities and to act together, which they can show with the form of participation “action initiative”. join.wsforum.initiatives


The Mexican group facilitating the WSF 2022 issues the following invitations


see INVITATIONS www.wsf2022.org/invitations

S3/ Les Préparatifs s’accélèrent


Photo : Groupe de facilitation mexicain


Groupe de facilitation international du FSM 2022


Il a démarré le 19 février avec plus de 100 organisations. Il se réunira chaque semaine en ligne les jeudis jusqu’à après le 1er mai et accompagne le collectif facilitateur mexicain.


Il est formé de membres du GFMX colectivo facilitador mexicano, du Conseil international du FSM et de l’Espace des mouvements mondiaux. il va travailler sur la mobilisation et finaliser la méthodologie


Photo: some axis posters at the WSF 2018 Salvador de Bahia


10 mobilization axes FSM2022


The formulation of 10 thematic axes presented at the press conference on March 1st has been discussed in the GFI.


Axes are used with a mobilizing and contact facilitating purpose towards self-articulations.


Activity organizers at WSF2022 can associate the title of their activity with up to 3 of these 10 axes




Facilitation Objectives for WSF 2022


With those objectives, the Mexican facilitating group proposes that the GFI/IFG (international facilitating group) give emphasis to stimulating in the WSF space articulations with social and political incidence, formulation of common agendas and greater sway in  through public dates of action,


It also wants to create conditions and dynamics for a more permanent WSF process after this WSF 2022 event.



Photo: team of volunteers to support the extension/hybridization of activities held physically in Tunis university campus in WSF 2015


S4/ Participate!


14 WSF events since 2001

Mexico is the fifteenth edition of a WSF event, which comes after the WSF 2021 online virtual forum in January 2021 (www.wsf2021.net) and the face-to-face pre-pandemic forum in Salvador de Bahia Brazil March 2018 (www.wsf2018.org) .


WSF 2022 is the first hybrid event, in the program of which are 3 components :  1/ face-to-face activities in CDMX ,  2/ part of which “hybridized” from CDMX to be accessible to online participants , and 3/  online activities proposed from other all over the world



Photo: Accessible from a phone and a computer :  online participation!


Collective Coordinated hybrid participation in WSF from your organization!


Your organization can form, using social networks, a coordinated hybrid participation team, bringing together:
-those who physically come to CDMX May 1-6 and
-those who , from their territory, will be continuously proactive online before , during, and after the WSF 2022 event 


This team defines and distributes tasks related to the activities, action initiatives, and news from the wsf, co-assumed by your organization, in relation to its participation goals in WSF 2022





Photo Self-organized discussion activity in Belém WSF 2009


Challenges for this WSF 2022 event… and for after


In this WSF 2022 facilitating collective, we have the challenge of getting organized, in times of pandemic, a large, horizontal and decentralized event, with hundreds of self organized dialogue activities and descriptions of self-organized action initiatives, with processes of international dialogue and articulation decisions “from below”, in various stages of evolution, mixing physical, hybrid, online interaction modalities.


This entails various challenges for facilitating groups and participating organizations



Photo: dialogue activity between Mexico and Japan in the Zocalo CDMX WSF Mexico 2010


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Los participantes en el FSM respetan, como una referencia comun, los principios FSM que describen :



– qué y como es el FSM 



– cuales son los valores las mestas y acciones genéricas de las organizaciones y personas participantes  en el espacio /proceso / evento FSM



Tambien existe unos principios guias sobre como organizar un evento FSM


Las actividades visibles en la plataform join.wsforum, sea en el proceso antes del evento ( registro abierto ),  o sea en el evento FSM2022  ( registro no abierto aun ),  muestran ARTICULACIONES para DIALOGO, con las funcciones siguientes: 


intensificar la reflexión, realizar un debate democrático de ideas, elaborar propuestas, establecer un libre intercambio de experiencias y articular acciones eficaces 


(principio FSM 1)

 Las iniciativas visibles en la plataform join  describen una diversidad de lineas de ACCION en el tiempo assumidas por una diversidad de ARTICULACIONES de organizaciones participantes en 2022 y 2023


Iniciativas  son  luchas, campanas,  agendas comunes, alternativas practicas,  para resistencia, afirmacion y construccion de alternativas  para otro mundo posible


Vienen descritas con metas plan de accion  y hasta 3 fechas de accion publicas de todo tipo que alimentan un calendario de acciones de las organizaciones  participantes en el FSM

¡Otro mundo es posible!

